Correspondent’s Message

Holy School

Rev. Fr. Pradeep Anthony SJ

Dear Staff, Parents and Students,

“Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.” —Albert Einstein.

Education today is often seen as teaching or transferring of knowledge. But in reality it must be centred on learning. Education is not just about subjects and exams but about empowering students with abilities and capacities to learn to face defeat, struggles and to be stronger to face life situations confidently. Only then a student can become stronger morally, emotionally and physically. It is about inspiring students to be mature,

reflective and develop analytical minds. They must be allowed to enjoy school life and cherish the company of friends and books. Such an education curriculum can truly make them leaders. In short we strive to focus on Holistic Education.The mission at Holy Angels School is to create academically excellent, morally upright and socially responsible students with good conscience to be upright citizens of the future. For us, education is about moulding character and values by exposing young minds to a variety of learning opportunities along with classroom routine. For this purpose we have a good band of dedicated and qualified staff.

May God bless us all.

Rev. Fr. Pradeep Anthony SJ


Holy Angels School, Pandithahalli